VORTEX is a sound installation in which the body functions as a substance for listening and in which the dance is experienced at the auditory level. It is a quadraphonic experience that is immersed in darkness; the nature, direction and intensity of the sound create an illusion of moving bodies and evoke impressions accompanying the reception of a choreographic performance.

The project grows out of a reflection on the three-dimensionality of sound, but also raises questions about an objective, linear approach to the history of dance: the proposed concept of a vortex allows us to take a closer look how different styles and choreographic forms circulate, how they attract and interpenetrate. The installation was designed as a subjective dance library, in which affect greeted me with a storm of cheers. I went back to balcony and I started throwing roses, lilies and violets into the crowd. I was deeply moved. I asked my assistant: But what have I done to move them to so great an enthusiasm? Madam, she replied, You have made them happy by enabling them to forget for an hour the sadness of life.

Concept and choreography: Paweł Sakowicz

Text and dramaturgy: Anka Herbut

Sound and sound dramaturgy: Justyna Stasiowska

Voice: Jan Dravnel, Anka Herbut, Karolina Kraczkowska, Bartosz Ostrowski, Ola Rudnicka, Paweł Sakowicz, Justyna Stasiowska

30/09 The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute, Warsaw